Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rockwoods Reservation - Turkey Ridge Trail

Turkey Ridge Trail – 2 miles
The trail head for Turkey Ridge is on the east side of 109. From the parking area, if you hike the trail CCW, you head up the south face of the hill. There are a number of switchbacks and many interesting rock outcroppings that give this area its name. As you reach the top, the terrain levels out and travels along the top of a ridge.
As you get to the end of the ridge, just before you start heading back downhill, close to the half-way point, there is a well place bench on the side of the trail. It’s a perfect place to stop for a picnic (you did bring the wine, cheese, fruit and crackers didn’t you?)
After you leave the bench the trail turns to the southwest and starts heading down hill into a hollow. As you come back to the bottom you leave the hills and hardwood forest and meander through a grove of pines. The rest is an easy, level stroll back to the starting point.

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